Sunday, March 25, 2007
My Birthday Surprise
Uncle Zhunwei! (with Adeline (far right) and I) Thank you dears, for spending so much time and effort (and money) on me. I love you all so much. (: I didn't know my friends were that good liars. I'd better be more wary from now on. Hahaha!
The day part was boring because no one in the office knows when my birthday is so apart from the fact that I was smsing and talking on my handphone more than usual (it didn't beep or ring either cause it was on silent mode), it was the same as any other day at work. OH, lunch was special though, I met Junqi and Vonn at Pizza Hut, full of nonsense as usual. :D After lunch, they REFUSED to let me leave and I wondered what on earth was going on, then a waitress came with a slice of blueberry cheesecake and ice cream. (: Had to bring it to the office because I was soooo full and totally running late. And they paid for my lunch! Love them so much, can't wait to see them again this coming Friday. (:
Went to meet Adeline at Caltex House after work, and guess who was with her!
Clarissa came soon after, and we set off for Orchard MRT, where we met Joy and Chel. Sat at Breadtalk Wisma Atria for a reeeeally long time waiting for Stefanie, her status was 'On the way here already' for more than an hour, you'd think she was coming from Timbaktu. When she finally arrived, we cabbed to a mysterious dinner location, which was at the end of this secluded dark, long road. Rather.. creepy. One of the first thoughts which came to my mind in the cab (apart from "Where is this secret location of theirs?") was "How on EARTH am I going to get out of here later?!" I know I am sometimes too practical that way. :D
Though secluded, the cafe was rather crowded, especially with caucasians. I walked in looking for Adeline, Stef and Joy (who took the first cab) but instead, GASP, I saw my dearies from 404 sitting around a table (looking very hungry)! It wasn't expected because I was actually supposed to meet them the next day, but they lied to me, actually almost all of them weren't free on Friday. So anyway, Stef wasn't even late, she just pretended to be because they only managed an 8.30pm booking at the cafe. In actual fact, she was a lonely wandering soul for almost two hours while the rest of us bummed at Breadtalk and went "WALAO WHERE'S STEF?" Well okay, I asked, and the rest of them pretended they didn't know and echoed me. ): Haha STEF I LOVE YOU.
ty (albeit rather huge) Nike tote bag from the 404ers. The 205ers gave me a baby's plain purple round-neck tee from Topshop (HAHA!) and they wanted to get me the same one in my size but they didn't know what colour I lacked, so in the end they got me a green tee from Topshop and a halter from Forever 21. And these were in addition to the dinner which they refused to let me pay my share for! Point of information, my friends, I (only) have round-neck tees in orangey-red, yellow, light green, cyan, purple, pink, black and white - I actually lack very common colours like normal red and orange, army green, dark green, blue, light purple and pink, brown, maroon, grey.. I have a long way to go.
Translated, it reads 'Happy BirdDay!' (: AND, I received a birthday card from him in the mail a few days ago, all the way from Taiwan! MUCH THANKS AH GONG. (:
Fabulous birthday, that was. (:
Happy Belated Birthday to dearest Clara, I love you girl! Hope your birthday was fab too. (:
Alright, I'm tired out from work because HAH I now have WORK TO DO! Plus, it's quite a lot so (get this!) there's work waiting for me in the office. HAHA! HOORAY!
Off to bed now! (:
Monday, March 05, 2007
A levels results
A levels results were alright. (: The kind which can be better but I'm not complaining and I should thank my lucky stars for what I have already. I'm not estatic, but I'm fine with them. (: Mrs Leong told me she'd expected straight As from me, though. ): But she added that it's okay, it's good enough already.
My sis saw the report in the papers about how students in RJ were sad about getting less than 4As, and she was going on about how disgusting it was. Actually, it isn't. Some people blame the students or the school for it, but that's because they only see the small picture. You can't blame anyone, really. I mean, whose fault is it that the competition in the top schools is so great, and that society expects students from the top schools to perform better? It adds to the pressure which the students face, you know. And it's definitely more competitive in the top schools because, actually, everyone always strives to at least be of average standard, if not the best, no matter which school you're in. And to be realistic, if you want to be the best in RJ you really have to push yourself, no? So their behavior does make sense, actually.
Being in RGS/RJ and TJ has allowed me to understand both views towards this issue, and aiyah, I always end up defending the Raffles family when my sis criticises the schools. (Hey i'd defend TJC too, it's just that she doesn't attack it so I don't have the chance to.) Concerning this, I just wish that before people criticise, they can put themselves in the shoes of those at the receiving end. They might realise that had they been in that position, they could have just behaved the same way too.
To my darlings who didn't meet their own expectations and aren't satisfied with their results, do try to cheer up. I'm always here for you! LOVELOVE. <3
On a random note,
Samsung-Z720, The 3G Ultra Edition 13.8! I'll probably get it in black. (:
Hopefully by Wednesday, definitely by Sunday. Hooray!