Wednesday, November 22, 2006
let's do a happy dance!
I coloured my GP notes! Hey my colouring skills aren't too bad right! Colouring was one of my favourite pasttimes when I was young. My sis still laughs at me because I used to like to make things colourful, and one schoolbag could be in SEVEN colours. She, on the other hand, is the exact opposite; for her, a whole picture could be in just one colour. Old habits die hard though, as you can see, my latest masterpiece is still colourful as ever. After our paper on Monday, Vonn, Tong, Ruide and I went down to Cityhall to meet Don and Cedrick. Marcus was supposed to come to but PANGSEH, tsk. Anyway we dinnered at New York, New York and we got to sit in the box! Our cosy little corner! They had free candyfloss! Don is twenty but he still looks like a little boy, contented with his cotton candy. Heehee. Oh Marcus, Don and Ced coloured their hair already! I can't wait to do mine too, probably next Monday or Tuesday. I hope they don't catch people for going back with coloured hair when we go back to collect our testimonials on Wednesday. Anyway, after dinner, we went bowling. Meet our winner and loser (respectively) of the night! After that, Vonn, Tong and I went to Val's house for a sleepover. We spent the night watching television and playing bridge. And Val has coloured and softened her hair, it's no longer poofy! This is a rare sight: Us in our specs I spent yesterday watching television, surfing youtube and sleeping. Went shopping with Val, Tong and Vonn today! Was so excited okay I haven't been shopping in almost two months. We watched Step Up, which I thought was nice. I liked the show. And we went prom-dress shopping which was rather fun! Now that I have all the time in the world, I can't wait to do things I never got down to doing. I'm going to bake, watch vcds, read, play mahjong (haha), learn driving, highlight my hair, clear my JC notes, arrange my wardrobe according to type of clothing and colour (I can hear Dennet exclaiming that I have obsessive compulsive disorder already), laze about and sleep (at least I'm not like Vonn what wants to talk to her ceiling!), do a major spring cleaning of my stuff and throw out anything useless, upload any un-uploaded photos, find a job (and earn some money heh), etc. I wonder how many of these I'll actually complete. Most importantly, I'm going to catch up with friends and make up for all the lost time! Cheryl and Clara are coming back from Aussie! I can't wait to meet up with all those people from RGS who have been with me during these past four to six years. I think I miss them too much; three days ago I dreamt that it was breaktime and I was in the canteen with the people from 404. I miss my RJ class and all the fun times I've had there too! Don't get me wrong, I love 0605 to bits and pieces, I just wish we had more class gatherings! But it's alright, Val's trying to get something going on Wednesday, since almost the whole class will be in school to collect our testimonials. Just the other day, out of the blue, I suddenly missed my OG in RJ A LOT, and talking to Jeff online last night and smsing Zhunianpoo a few days ago made me miss them even more! I really miss the first week of school in RJ, when it was orientation week and the OG was really, really bonded, we even dinnered together everyday. When orientation came to an end that Friday, we were so sad about it that we had an outing the very next day! The second week, there were only lectures to attend and those OG members who didn't have lectures during certain timeslots would abandon our classes and hang out together, and those who had lectures would just look for the rest of the OG after their lectures ended. We were so close, especially at the first half of last year. We had outings to concerts to support fellow members, barbeques, those classic bridge moments (practically everywhere we went okay), meeting up at the K'cove every morning before school for months even after orientation ended, lunches and dinners at J8, movies like Constantine and Hide and Seek, and just so much more. I still remember how encouraging and sweet everyone was when I was posted to TJ, and on the first day of orientation in TJ, after the day's activities ended, I rushed down to town and dinnered with them at Marche, and the whole OG almost wanted to crash TJ's orientation the next day to accompany me. Heart melt okay. I think I can safely say that the first two weeks of 2005 were one of the best moments of my JC life. I'm going to miss 0605 too. It's such a warm class you know, I can just sit beside anyone in class and talk to anyone and it wouldn't be weird. Especially the girls, we're all a little crazy up there and we get along so well! And they've withstood the times when I went cranky (Ruide, i think you got quite a bit of that, hahaha i'm so sorry for the past two years okay!). It's funny the class thinks my voice is loud, no one told me that in secondary school. Frankly, I think the thing I'll miss most about TJ is 0605. I hope that we'll continue to meet up and have gatherings regularly but I know that's not going to be very possible, and it's something i'm rather sad about. I don't want to part with the class! I tried typing proper in this entry (the caps are where they're supposed to be!), just for the fun of it. I don't know if I like it yet though, I shall upload this post and we'll see. Okay that's enough for now. I'm annoyed cause I just realised I missed my pilot show tonight! I completely forgot about it. ARG why am I so dumb. I'm excited about how these two months are going to be like!
We almost went to play pool but we settled for bowling in the end. I remember we used to go to Monstercue for pool and Cineleisure for bowling (it's closed down already, though.) during RGS days. I haven't done both in such a long time, I think I'm rusty already.