Thursday, October 19, 2006


prelim results weren't too bad (by my standards), got ABBD B4. not exceptionally outstanding though, i seriously need to work harder.

past few weeks have been filled with birthdays! so happy birthday to (in chronological order):
vivian (meow!)

i love birthday celebrations. (: we had a huge cake last monday cause we had FIVE birthdays in class that week. that's one fifth of the class you know! with fifty-two weeks in a year, what's the probability of that happening man. tong's birthday was quite funny. we each brought a tissue box and made her lug the four boxes around, without providing her with any paper bags on purpose. and no one was supposed to help her!

tong and the tissue boxes

can you see the pretty one i contributed with disney princesses on it! anyway we wanted to punish her for not ever bringing her own over the last two years (except the one time she brought a whole box cause she had a bad flu). but old habits die hard, she's still getting her tissue supply from us. hahaha we still love you girl! (:

watched scoop with chel last tuesday, and i thought woody allen was really funny! his antics and what he says just seem to come so naturally from him, and they're hilarious i tell you, like when he tried to describe scarlett johansson and he compared her to a cockroach. chel got quite annoyed by them both after a while though. oh, and we went for gelare! half-priced waffles are love. (:
i want my waffle!

gelare's newest model

post-waffle, we are satisfied and happy. (:

farewell assembly was on tuesday, but it wasn't very sad, unlike what i felt during farewell at rgs. i don't know if it's cause:
1. i knew i'd be seeing my class the next day anyway,
2. i'd still see everyone during As and grad night or
3. i'm just not as attached to tj as i was to rgs.
hm. anyhow, i'll definitely miss the class when jc really comes to an end. okay shall take this opportunity to post up some pictures of non-class people. will upload more soon!

alvin and shara from the regular morning table

my favourite bee and sean, who derives joy in poking fun at me


meihui and elke, my ex-cgmates (:


went for gelare with the usual group after that, and it felt like how we hung out, post-prelims last year. pity junqi and ziyu weren't there.

school wouldn't be the same without them (:

more photos of gelare with val, many of which will be able to ruin the guys' reputation in an instant HOHOHO.

macs breakfast with junqi, vonn and tong after gp lesson yesterday. omg i nearly forgot how much i loveee macs breakfast. i was smiling to my sausage mcmuffin and vonn thought i was weird. ziyu and val weren't there, though. ): bought hotcakes for dennet and spent the afternoon at her house studying.

it scares me how everyone's so stressed out by the coming As and i'm not feeling anything at all. i know i'm supposed to be panicking now but i'm not! for me it's still in take-it-easy mode. and i'm SO afraid that whole do-okay-in-prelims-but-screw-up-in-the-real-exams thing will happen again, just like for the O levels. how. ):

there are a whole load of movies i want to catch, like world trade center and the prestige. but no one seems to be in the mood for movies anymore and i don't watch movies alone.

okay i have to scoot now or i'm going to be late for gp. toodles! (:

* the recent

   feel the love (:

   class photos uploaded!



   it's getting to me!

   shihui: haha more like YOU motivate me! i'm super ...

   STEF! <3

   study outings (:

   okay, staying online has helped calmed me down fro...

   tan rui teck insisted that i blog even though i ju...

* the past

   March 2006   April 2006   May 2006   June 2006   August 2006   September 2006   October 2006   November 2006   December 2006   January 2007   February 2007   March 2007   April 2007   May 2007   July 2007   August 2007   September 2007   December 2007   August 2008

* the person





* the life

     - accountancy

     - scg0605

     - 1so2b
     - moyr'xis

     - 205'02
     - 404'04
     - squash
     - hadley cheerleading
