Saturday, May 13, 2006
MY birkenstocks (:
joan: stop being modest okay, your house is HUGE! similar outfits omg. and then we went to meet yogi and sotong and they were both wearing dark grey. oh gosh. but that's not the worst part. after that, sharon and shiyun came to meet us and: notice how four of us are in the same colour?! what are the chances, especially considering that such a bright turquoise isn't that common a colour. aha, that's telepathy for you. just collected my birkenstocks from the post office this morning! ah, love the stripes. by request of my dearest sis, THIS IS HERS. HAH! yeah, we're a weird family who take photos of our birkenstocks. heehee. anyway theirs aren't new so i don't know why my sis wants hers up here. okay she's looking over my shoulder. shh.
rj dance night was GOOOOD. :D the songs were so catchy and the dances were really nice! enjoyed it throughly. getting flowers were a big headache, cause the florist at suntec didn't have nice flowers, the one at raffles city was PACKED with a huge crowd outside (and people coming out were saying there weren't any flowers left) and so we got balloons in the end. we were almost late! so we were running across the road with white plastic bags containing the helium balloons. unglam factor up to the max, i tell you. the best part was the people, of course. went for it together with joan, yogi, tyunn, sharon and shiyun. when i first met joan at city hall mrt, i got a shock because:
i finally got to meet many others, like gaiatri, zhunianpoo, joy, adeline, evie, matthew, bryan, sien, david, yvonnechan, xiuwen, etc. and of course, DENNET, the main reason we all went. (: and while i was watching the performance i realised that i had momentarily forgotten all my troubles and i remember wishing that the performance wouldn't end so that i could just continue sitting there with my dearests.
went to support the guys basketball on monday, and they lost. ): SAD! i was practically giving ced a Basketball SMS Live Update (adopted from bee's netball version) every three minutes. brother see lah spent so many smses on you. anyway BROTHERS all is not over yet! still in semis, man. MUST BEAT AJ ON MONDAY, OKAY. we'll be watching. and then you all can go to the finals and happily become champs again!
and bee, congrats on netball winning time and again! SEMIS, whoa. come on mannn.
ponned mass civics on wednesday and then heard the teacher was quite pissed cause only 12 people from 06 turned up, and it was really obvious cause they only allocated two classes to be in LT4. oops. there wasn't time to go back anyway - we were happily lunching at bedok's kfc. so anyway attendance was taken and i guess we'll all get screwed sometime next week. shucks.
and this is my mom's.
underneath the surface, we know it's not exactly the same anymore.